Конспект урока по английскому языку в 3 классе «Животные»

Type of the lesson: revision lesson

The tasks of the lesson:

  • to control students ‘ knowledge of vocabulary on the topic «Animals»;
  • to develop the attention and observation;
  • to form the ability to understand the content of the audio text within the study material.

The objectives of the lesson

  • to expand the linguistic horizons of students, consolidate and apply lexical knowledge on the topic;
  • to learn to work in pairs and in groups;
  • to develop attention, memory, thinking and cognitive activity;
  • to educate to love and take care of animals;
  • to educate aesthetic taste.


  • pictures of animals;
  • audio recording.

Lesson plan

I Organizational point

T. Hello, children! Sit down! Let’s start our lesson.

Today we will talk about animals. (The teacher shows the pictures hung on a magnetic board).

II Main stage. Preparation for active educational and cognitive activity at this stage.

1. Phonetic charging.

a) Listen and repeat! (Pupils repeat after the teacher the names of animals, pictures of which are on the board).

It’s a cheetahIt’s a cowIt’s a pigIt’s a kangaroo
It’s a dogIt’s a bearIt’s a wolfIt’s an elephant
It’s a tigerIt’s a goatIt’s a giraffeIt’s a lion
It’s a catIt’s a monkeyIt’s a mouseIt’s a raccoon

b) work with cards-letter combinations. The teacher shows the card. Pupils say the animal in the name of which there is this letter combination.

EE — cheetah, sheep

CH — cheetah

SH — sheep

OA — goat, foal

OU — mouse, groundhog

OO – kangaroo, moose, raccoon

OW — cow

PH — elephant

c) Every animal has its own voice. Listen and guess what animal it is.

(Pupils listen to the voices of animals and guess which animal utters a particular sound).

2. Voice charging. The teacher asks the pupils questions about animals.

T. What is it?

P-1 It’s a dog.

Is it a domestic animal?

P-2 Yes, it’s a domestic animal.

What is it?

P-2 It’s a tiger.

Is it a wild animal?

P-3 Yes, it’s a wild animal.

What is it?

P-4 It’s a cow.

Is it a wild animal?

P-5 No, it is not a wild animal, it is a domestic animal.

Then pupils distribute the animal pictures in two columns.

The cow is a domestic animal.The lion is a wild animal.
The pig is a domestic animal.The elephant is a wild animal.
The horse is a domestic animal.The tiger is a wild animal.
The goat is a domestic animal.The monkey is a wild animal.
The cat is a domestic animal.The wolf is a wild animal.
The sheep is a domestic animal.The bear is a wild animal.

3) Making up dialogues.

а) T. Where do animals live ?

P-1 The animals live in the house.

P-2 The animals live on the farm.

P-3 The animals live in the Savannah.

P-4 The animals live in the forest.

P-5 The animals live in the jungle.

Then pupils ask each other questions:

  • Where does the cat live?
  • The cat lives in the house.
  • Where does the lion live?
  • The lion lives in the Savannah.
  • Where does the tiger live ?
  • The tiger lives in the jungle.
  • Where does the pig live ?
  • The pig lives on the farm.
  • Where does the monkey live ?
  • The monkey lives in the jungle.
  • Where does the bear live ?
  • The bear lives in the forest.
  • Where does the wolf live ?
  • The wolf lives in the forest.
  • Where does the cow live ?
  • The cow lives on the farm.
  • Where does the goat live ?
  • The goat lives on the farm.

b) Look at the pictures of the animals and make up short dialogues. Work in pairs.

P-1 What is it?

P-2 It’s a cow.

Is it a domestic animal?

Yes, it’s a domestic animal

Where does the cow live?

The cow lives on the farm.

P-3 What is it ?

P-4 It’s a bear.

Is it a wild animal ?

Yes, it’s a wild animal.

Where does the bear live?

The bear lives in the forest.

P-5 What is it?

P-6 It’s an elephant.

Is it a wild animal ?

Yes, it’s a wild animal.

Where does the elephant live ?

The elephant lives in Africa.

4) And now let’s have a rest. (Dynamic pause)

а) Pupils play the game » Sheep and wolf.» The wolf stands in the middle of the dance, and the sheep go in a circle and say;

Let’s walk in the forest

While the Wolf is not there

If the Wolf were there

He would eat us.

Wolf, where are you ? what are you doing ?

Wolf: I’m sleeping.

Then everything is repeated, the wolf says I’m playing, I’m singing…..I’m eating. As soon as he says it, the sheep has to hide, the sheep that didn’t have time to do it becomes the leader.

В) Guess the encrypted name of the animal. The teacher posts pictures of animals. Leaving the first letters of the names of animals, students must guess the name of the animal a r_ _ _ _ _ _, a b _ _ _, a w _ _ _, an e _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

5 ) Listening. Pupils listen to the text.

It’s a farm. It’s a cat. The cat lives on the farm. The cow also lives on the farm. They are domestic animals. The cow gives milk. The cat likes milk.

T. Where do animals live? Why do they live on the farm? Who gives milk? Who likes milk ?

6) Work in groups. Pupils are divided into groups depending on what animal they want to draw and then present it.

T. Draw animals and talk about them.

P-1. It’s a dog. It’s brown. It’s a domestic animal .It lives in the doghouse

P-2. It’s a cat. It’s white. It’s a domestic animal. It lives in the house.

P-3. It’s an elephant. It’s grey. It’s a wild animal. It lives in Africa.

P-4 It’s a giraffe. It’s yellow. It’s a wild animal. It lives in Africa.

III The final stage of the lesson. Reflection.

So, children, do you like the lesson?

Your homework is to talk about your favourite animal.

— using key words

— without using key words

— using the new words from the dictionary.

T. Our lesson is over. Our lesson is over. Thanks for your good work! I believe this lesson was useful and interesting for you. Good bye!

Конспект урока по английскому языку в 3 классе «Животные»

Скачать — Конспект урока по английскому языку в 3 классе «Животные»

Автор: Силютина Кристина Игоревна
Должность: учитель английского языка первой квалификационной категории
Место работы: МБОУ «Гимназия №1 им. Н.М. Пржевальского»
Месторасположение: Смоленская область, город Смоленск

Дата изменения: 31.03.2019
Дата публикации: 31.03.2019

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